Wednesday, May 27, 2009

On Paati’s Rememberence…After her death!

I just wrote about my Thatha a few months back and now my Paati is no more! Quite shocking, however, felt she is a blessed soul again like my Thatha. She fell down when she was back from the restroom and there ends her life on May 20, 2009 9 pm IST.

It is so paining that I couldn’t see her face at last and living so many miles away has lot of disadvantages in emergencies. I wanted to talk to her and something in me was telling me that I should call and talk to her. Somehow, I missed it! I have no reasons for this. I had a hatredness towards myself that why the hell did I not call up? Sometimes in life, you should do things immediately when you feel like, otherwise you end up in never doing at all and repend for it for the lifetime. Calling up your dear ones whenever you feel like talking to them is not a big deal, however, I did not even do that! You feel for a few things for the entire life and this is one for me.

Paati has always been kind and good to everybody in our family. She has been a great and sensible lady throught out her life. Flexibility to any kind of family style made her to blend with the entire family – This includes all her three Sons.

She was a good artist. May be she did not develop the talent to that extent. She was also good at Origami and for her level of education in those days, she used to read English, Hindi and Tamil all the three languages. Not an avid reader though! Tamil and English are okay. I thought reading Hindi was a bit difficult in those days without formal training.

I should definitely be thankful to Paati for being one of my Maanasika Guru in learning Lalitha Sahasarnamam. When i started to learn i thought, it is going to be difficult than Vishnu Sahasarnamam, however, things changed once i think about how my paati and another family friend of ours used to recite in their own way. You get inspired by a few people in your life for many different things. Paati was one among them for me. Atlast, i myself couldn't believe how i was able to get the hang of it. I thought considering somebody as your Maanasika Guru definitely makes a difference. Kandha Sashti Kavasam was one which she taught sitting with us (me and sister) way back. Thanks for spreading a few good things about what you learnt - Paati.

I can never forget the days when my Paati used to give curd rice with Maavadu to all of us – This includes my cousins as well. Lovely and great moments with her that I can always treasure for the entire life.

There were tough times in her life and she has done so much for the family and relations in the earlier days of her life. Off late, she had problems in the hip and leg as she fell down quite a few times here and there. Inspite of all this hardships, she was strong and never used to express her feelings out. Her patience and tolerance level is impeccable I should say! Admire her for these two wonderful qualities. She has been very strong even in tough times in her life.

Anyways, I felt she was not bedridden and suffer for a long time. Those sufferings are still more worser. When I think all of that, I think god has taken her or rather she has joined my Thatha soon after my Thatha passed away. According to me they both are a few among the blessed souls on the earth.

I must thank my Mother and Perima who have served her offlate for her health conditions. For the past 4.5 years she has not been able to walk properly. All the credits to them for having taking care of her without much snag .

Thatha and Paati – You both are definitely special to me as always. Your memories will always stay with me.

Injustice to Music in a Music Reality Show?

I am writing this post with a dissatisfaction of the happenings in the show – “Airtel Super Singer”. This is one of the Music Reality show for a talent hunt in the playback industry. This show has got a viewership worldwide and liked by most of the people.

One of the toughest, challenging and deserving contestant - Ranjani, inspite of giving fantastic and flawless performance got eliminated because of the less number of votes from the public at the end of first leg of finals. This is the reason they say when the deserving contestant got eliminated. Is it believable? God knows the answer for this! I myself voted thrice for the contestant and as far as I know most of the people I know voted for her fantastic performance. Now, you may wonder why am I getting so much concerned about it. There are a few things in life which may haunt you so much that you cannot stop talking about it. This is one among them.

There are many questions that pops up on my mind-

Are the public so insane to vote for their favorite contestants without even giving importance to the person who gave best performance?
Is it…Inspite of voting for the deserving contestant the Vijay TV management has decided not to move her on to the next stage for the reason that she might be one of the toughest contestant for the others in the race?

The difference in number of votes cannot be digested by anyone who knows what is good music. There is nothing like good music or bad music, however, when people are ignoring the real good music in a person, am using these kind of words! If people made the mistake…Please wake up and give respect to good music. Never ignore the real talent. Everybody in this world is not blessed with a good voice and talent in music. Those who are, should never be ignored. If Vijay TV has made the mistake of eliminating her inspite of getting more number of votes, go hang yourself! You have lost a real big talent. You have insulted music in a music reality show. If gimmicks is all you wanted to do, better remember that you may lose viewership! I have already written about the gimmicks in this show in my earlier post. Favoritism is one word that should be the reason if either of them made a mistake – Vijay TV or the public.

Here is a message for the deserving and talented contestant Ranjani who got eliminated in the race –

All that I can say is…You are no doubt a great talent. May music stay with you ever! Never ever care about all these gimmicks played by Vijay TV or the Public - whoever it is! I know you are not…still wanted to convey what I thought. Hard work will definitely be recognized, if not now, some other door will open for you and take my word that would be better than this one. No doubt Vijay TV has given you much exposure, however, they still have lost you in the race. You are what you are and you know what you are capable of! Hats off to the improvements you made in your singing by taking every feedback from the judges in a positive aspect and I must say all these inputs reflected massively in your singing. You became one among the best when you departed. You won many number of hearts when you departed from the show. Nobody else who are still in the race would win these many number of hearts around the world as you did. This is your biggest asset and you now know how many people like and respect your singing.

I must say, your professionalism, determination and confidence will take you places.

Good luck, big success and great days are in store for you dear.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reality Show and its gimmicks to increase Television Rating Point (TRP)!

A big question which comes to my mind is "Are the reality shows happening for talent hunt or is it to play pranks with people's personal life?" It hurts so much that it happens on a music show!

Here is the situation to which am writing this post:

A and B are contestants in a music show and are the top rated contestants to win the title. Contestant C points his finger to contestant D in one of his performances. The camera is rolling towards another angle to contestants A and B indicating these people are the people whom he is referring to in the song. The camera then rolls to contestant D who responds to the Contestant C with a gesture.

There are many meanings that can be drawn from the above instance. Rolling the camera to selected contestants all the time can draw "n" no. of meanings for a single instance among the public.

The public comes to conclusions in a jiffy without knowing the head and tail of it! Having said this, even if something fishy budding between the contestants it is none of our business to comment about it. It is upto them to deal with it.

All the above crap is something which is out of the box happening in a music show. Let there be discussion about music rather than personal stuff on a musical reality show.

Are the Marketing Managers and PRO's not finding any other way to increase the TRP rating? Or should i say the editor's work has been blindly accepted by the team to telecast the show? Shame on the approach! It proves their inability to do their job effectively. Above all, showing the personal vengeance of the contestant on screen is so immatured and i must say even if the contestants have showed their personal vengeance on screen; one of the wiser approaches could be, to edit those portions. Because of this, Unnecessarily people who are not involved in the matter get involved in it and the internet is such a wide medium of communication that the whole world is talking about it! What do i say about it...Insane people and their insane approach?

The irony here is the reality show becomes a reel show! Please know that they (the organizers)are insulting music by focusing more on the other stuff in a music show than the music itself.

The other major concern is about editing in these kind of shows which entirely changes the perspective of the public. It is so obvious that the editing is not happening properly in these shows. Editing half the portions of what the contestant sang and judges giving comments about the edited part is so insane and it is more concerned with fooling the public! Do they think whatever these people edit and telecast on the TV will be accepted by the public? You might find a way to increase the TRP rating for that moment, however, you may end up in having no viewers at all very soon! Please have this in mind and my humble request is PLEASE DO NOT INSULT MUSIC IN A MUSIC RELATED REALITY SHOW by focusing more on the contestants personal life than music.